
Queer Kid Booklet

So I’ve been planning since summer to come out to my parents over thanksgiving break (it gives them a month-long grace period, and then home for the holidays). I figure that I won’t be able to explain it all too well, so I made em a booklet.

I shared this with a few friends before break, and they requested I upload it, so here it is! I’m gonna go a little crazy in the tags too, in the hopes that someone who really needs it might see it. peace.  [x]

I found this a while ago and think it’s the most wonderful thing ever.

One other thing I would add for parents of queer kids is something that I hear often from Dan Savage and at which is that just because your kid is queer and you want to be supportive doesn’t mean that you let them run around doing whatever they want.  You treat them like any other kid hitting puberty, applying reasonable curfews and house rules.  Your kid is the person he/she is.  Isn’t that cool?