Media, Rape

Great Rape Joke!

Another in the series of smart funny jokes about sensitive material.

And I will add that even though I knew the joke before I heard it the first half of the story made my heart race.

Your job as a comedian is to take us through pain, transcend pain, transform pain. And if you don’t get that, you are a fucking bully, and I’ve got zero time for bullies.

-Curtis Luciani [x]

Also, this dude is so cute too!  Am I more attracted to him because he’s obviously not a misogynist idiot?  Probably.

1 thought on “Great Rape Joke!”

  1. John Mulaney is AMAZING. he writes for SNL. you need to listen to his stand-up CD… “New In Town”. Also… he’s adorable. 🙂


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